March 13, 2005

Carbohydrate overload

So I'm supposed to meet a guy today that I knew from Amdocs some 6 years ago. He relocated to Australia with the company and now doesn't work for Amdocs but still lives in Australia. The idea was to catch a ferry to a place called Putney to meet him. I missed the Ferry by a good minute and a half and a ferry isn't exactly the kind of public transportation that you can run after.

Before heading to the ferry I went to the mall to walk around and had some Kentucky Fried Chicken. They had a very odd combination meal. It was two pieces of chicken, a roll, mashed potatoes with gravy and french fries. The roll is pretty standard for them but why in the world would you have potatoes andfrench fries? They don't offer ketchup or have it at a condiment station, you pay 25 cents for a packet. That's Australia cents so about 20 US cents. Anyway, the chicken was good but I still missed the ferry.

Posted by David at March 13, 2005 03:31 AM | TrackBack
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